How to Improve the Security of Your Shed
Shed security is important, whether it is a storage area for the junk or an important place to store valuables. The value of your shed is high and that is why security is highly considered. Despite the location of the shed, it is your job to provide security to the shed and yard.
Here are things that you should know about shed security and what are the common guides to shed exposure.
1. Structural Weakness
What is the susceptibility in this case? If the shed has a weak structure like rotten wood, rusty metal, this will give a chance to thieves for break-in.
How you can prevent it is by maintaining the new sheds so that they never get drooping cases. No risk of break-ins, a leaky roof, or decomposed walls with complete safety of tools. Fix the shed issues!
2. Loose Hinges
The susceptibility here is either the loose or exposed shed hinges which can be unscrewed easily and give open chance to the thieves for break-ins.
How you can fix this is by replacing the old hinge with a set of new ones with having a non-removable pin. You can also replace the mounting screws with the carriage bolts which can’t be removed from the outside.
3. Locks
A shed door having weak locks, latches or clasps gives a clear chance to a thief to break in. Also, small locks can easily be broken.
How to deal with this issue is by keeping a good-quality lock that can’t be easily broken. Replace the old lock with a stronger one containing carriage bolts that can’t be removed from outside.
4. Unsecured Window AC Unit
If the window AC unit of your shed gets easily removed, the thieves get into the place easily. To fix this, you need to install a window AC bracket that joins with the wall of a shed.
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